Waste Trade: A Global Issue

Waste Trade: A Global Issue

International garbage in developing nations, commonly referred to as waste dumping or waste trade, is a serious problem that has come to light recently. It entails the transfer of waste from developed countries to emerging or less economically developed countries,...


The reasons people adopt veganism are varied, but they generally fall into four categories: ethical, environmental, health-related, and religious. Ethical vegans believe that it is wrong to use animals for any purpose, and that animals should not be killed, exploited,...
AI vs. Humans

AI vs. Humans

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to automate tasks that were previously performed by humans. This can lead to the displacement of some workers and the need for new skills in the workforce. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to...
Fast Fashion and Its Impact

Fast Fashion and Its Impact

A business strategy for the fashion industry known as “fast fashion” involves the quick and low-cost production of new collections of apparel and accessories in order to keep up with the newest trends. This model stands out for its emphasis on speed, low...
Plastics and Humans

Plastics and Humans

For years we have known the hazardous conditions caused by plastic pollution in the oceans and on land. Time and again, our attention has been drawn towards the consequences of human action. There have been huge efforts to clean plastics from our oceans, but there is...