On Thinking…

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein

“One of our biggest challenges is that we tend to think linearly in a cyclical world.”

– Dean Whittaker

www.seatguru.com – Tire of the cramped airline seat that doesn’t recline? You can find the best seat on the type of aircraft on which you will be traveling at this site. Also, you will know which seats to avoid.

www.zoominfo.com – Are you meeting someone new? This site provides a biography of the person based upon what is available on the internet. It is a great sales tool when meeting with a new client.

www.jibjab.com – This site offers liberal humor. Check out “Big Box Mart” – a satirical look at the Big Box Syndrome.

www.googleguide.com – For the geeks in the crowd, this site offers a how-to manual for using advanced features in Google.

http://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/ – a weblog tracking the many new uses of maps.google.com. You can map you own information including demographic, site and building data using maps.google.com. Costar, the national leasing information company, is in discussions with Google to map their property information.