2003 Headquarter Activity

by Pete Julius Targeting company headquarters has been a popular strategy within economic development. As a result, we recently conducted a quick analysis of headquarter relocation and expansion activity across the country last year. The information was derived from...

Whittaker Associates Announcements

New Website: We are pleased to announce that we have just launched our brand new web site. Our new web site contains a new design, easier usability, better expalantions of our services, and updated content. The web site redesign was completed by Muller Design...

Innovation Economy

by Pete Julius Innovation is accelerating rapidly in some industries, while lagging in others. With the rush to find a cure for AIDS and fight cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening diseases, the health care industry is booming with innovation....

Reinventing Rural America

by Dean Whittaker While visiting a potential client this week, I had a chance to see and feel the effect the restructuring of our economy is having on small-town, rural America. When asked, community leaders had difficulty describing what was unique about their town....