by Jami Miedema

Recently, the U.S. population finally reached 300 million. While some might consider this a strain on our resources, others believe this growth is beneficial to our economy.

Many countries overseas are struggling to find population-control strategies that are advantageous in the short-term, but do not pose long-term threats. The truth is, this may be next to impossible. Countries with low birth rates or that use the one-child policy, such as China , may benefit for a short period of time, but they will face an aging population, and in turn, higher health-care and retirement costs. Even America is not immune to this issue, as senior citizens are expected to account for 21% of the population by the year 2050, compared to 12% currently (Etter, 2006).

Despite the grim outlook held by some, optimism about our growing population exists. Instead of looking at people as a stress to our country’s wealth, they are seen as an asset to our economy. More people bring about more ideas, greater productivity, and further economic growth. As long as we have the ability to innovate and make new advances, we will surely have the means to prosper with an ever-expanding population.

Etter, L (2006, October 21). “The United States : 300 Million and Growing.”” The Wall Street Journal p. A7.