Well, finally it is here, 2021.  As we move forward into the new year, we look forward to leaving behind the political election drama, COVID-19 fears, and the inequity-caused social unrest and economic uncertainty.  However, these issues will likely come along with us as unresolved issues often do. 

The good news, of course, is the arrival of multiple forms of immunization vaccine for COVID-19 with staged inoculations underway.  By mid-summer 2021 we hope to have a large segment of our US population inoculated and by year-end begin to see the taming of the COVID-19 virus.  

Once we see a turn in the rate of infection, hospitalization, and death, we will likely see a rapid economic expansion as reflected in the initial public offering in a surge of the price of Airbnb stock, recovery of the personal travel industry.  Meanwhile, we will see a continued acceleration of the shift of retail to online and home delivery of everything.      

Simultaneously, we will inaugurate a new political administration with hopes of a return to a higher level of predictability and with it a lower level of the use of anxiety medication.  Assuming we have some form of “peaceful” transition of power and don’t have to invoke Article XV.  Local, state, and federal governments have received an unexpected influx of revenue from the booming stock market and low-interest rates. 

The stock market continues with its bullish outlook and the anticipated rapid economic recovery with a higher level of consumer confidence economic certainty brings.  Those of us who continued to work remotely through 2020 have had record savings levels due to the travel and dining restrictions.  If we did lose our employment, we have been supported by economic stimulus funding, eviction, and foreclosure restrictions.   With another round and possible two of economic stimulus funding in the works as of this writing, the can will once again be kicked down the road for a few more months.

What do we keep and what goes back to semi-normal?


Work from home for those who can – no commute.

Retail online – cost/selection/safety. 

Virtual Medical Services – lower cost.  

Remote Learning – lower-cost education.

Zoom Meetings – less business travel. 


Dining Out in the spring (outdoors). 

Travel domestic and International mid-year.

Optional surgical procedure resume.

Religious service in person steamed and optional in-person w/social distancing.

Attending Weddings and funerals mid-summer.