A friend reminded me this month of the drama we’re all experiencing across the country. That got me thinking, and instead of reaching for my trusty Webster’s Dictionary, I turned to ChatGPT for a definition. Here’s what it came back with:
“In the world, drama can take on various meanings depending on the context, but at its core, it generally refers to conflict, heightened emotion, or intense situations that capture attention or evoke a reaction.”
Well, that pretty much sums it up. The recent transition of administrations has brought its fair share of drama. Conflict among members of Congress. Heightened emotions with cabinet position appointments. And intense situations that made us wonder: Will our Democratic form of government endure? Will the Constitution and the rule of law prevail?
Political historian, Heather Cox Richardson, in her daily blog, shared an insightful quote from Abraham Lincoln. In a speech on January 27, 1838, Lincoln expressed his worry that his generation might fail to preserve the republic the founders had entrusted to them. He warned about the rising disregard for the rule of law, the breakdown of guardrails meant to protect individuals, and the emboldening of lawbreakers convinced they could act without restraint. Sound familiar?
So, now what? What’s a person to do? Right now, the House of Representatives operates on the thinnest of margins—a two-member lead. Yet, that slim majority holds the keys to everything: control of committees, decisions on which bills are considered, and the timing of votes. It’s a winner-take-all system and will be for at least the next two years.
In the meantime, our role is clear: prepare, plan, and participate in the conversations that matter. Listen closely to the narratives, learn from them, and get ready for the drama ahead—because there will be plenty. Conflict, heightened emotion, and intense situations are part of the package.
But as Lincoln reminded us, it’s our responsibility to carry the republic forward, one generation to the next. And that means staying engaged, no matter how dramatic things get.