Currently, I am engaged in a management course aimed at helping individuals work in a team environment. After several sessions, each team was asked to produce a team model incorporating key points they deemed critical to the function of their group. Most models had factors such as strong leadership, open communication, trust, and motivation as part of the formula. While doing research for my model, I came across an article that seemed to encompass a thorough list of characteristics to guide a team to success.
In Ken Blanchard’s article, “How to Get Your Group to Perform Like a Team,” he uses the acronym PERFORM to outline the main components needed to create an effective team. Here is a look at his model:
Purpose & Values – common goal, shared norms, clear vision
Empowerment – confidence, responsibility, growth opportunities
Relationships & Communication – trust, share ideas without fear, group cohesion
Flexibility – adapt to change, shared leadership, open to new suggestions
Optimal Productivity – effective processes, goal accomplishment, high standards
Recognition & Appreciation – acknowledgment, celebration of accomplishments
Morale – pride, team spirit, motivation
This model is an excellent summary of the features that need to be present for a team to increase productivity and attain significant results.
How about your team? Is this model appropriate? What other characteristics could be added to improve team effectiveness and generate better outcomes?
Source: Blanchard, K., & Carew, D. (Sept. 1996). How to get your group to perform like a team. Training and Development (Alexandria, Va.). 50, 34-7.