AI Continues to Infiltrate Our Lives

Below are three book recommendations about AI. Each of these books offers a unique perspective on the intersection of AI, economics, and society, providing valuable insights for understanding the role of technology in shaping our world.


Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI by Paul R. Daugherty and H. James Wilson

This book explores the dynamic relationship between humans and artificial intelligence in the workplace. Daugherty and Wilson, both leading figures in technology consulting, argue that the future of business involves a collaborative interaction between human talents and AI capabilities. They introduce the concept of the “missing middle,” which is the space where humans and machines collaborate to achieve results that neither could do alone. The book discusses how AI can augment human capabilities, rather than just automate tasks, and suggests a roadmap for businesses to adapt to and thrive in this new era. It’s a guide to understanding and leveraging the potential of AI in the workforce.


Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb

This book offers an insightful perspective on the economics of artificial intelligence. The authors, experts in the field of economics, focus on the idea that the key to understanding AI’s impact is its role as a “prediction machine”—a tool that significantly lowers the cost of making predictions. They argue that as the cost of prediction falls, it changes the way businesses operate and the types of products and services that are valuable. The book delves into the implications of AI for business strategy, policy, and society, highlighting how AI can transform decision-making processes in various fields. It’s not just about the technology itself, but about how it reshapes economic principles and practices.


Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb

This book is a continuation of the authors’ exploration into the economic implications of AI, building on the concepts introduced in “Prediction Machines.” In “Power and Prediction,” Agrawal, Gans, and Goldfarb delve deeper into how AI is altering the fundamentals of economic decision-making and power structures within industries. They analyze how AI’s ability to enhance prediction is redistributing power among firms, individuals, and governments. The book addresses the broader societal and ethical implications of this shift, including issues of privacy, bias, and governance. It provides a nuanced view of how AI is not just a technological tool but a transformative force in the global economy.