By Anu Tandukar

In today’s busy world, people barely get time to take care of themselves. Also, it was not until I got sick a few months ago, that I realized the importance of staying healthy and understood why they say, “Health is wealth.”

From that point on, I had been trying to find ways to become and remain healthier. As I was playing with my phone and exploring the power of apps, I started searching for health related apps. To my surprise, there were quite a number of them that were free downloads.

A few of my favorite Smart Phone apps that have helped me shed a few extra pounds and helped me stay fit are as follows:

1. helps you reach your weight loss goal by tracking your total calorie intake per day. You can set your calorie goal and consume calories according to your goal. In addition, you can maintain a daily diary and also track your day-to-day progress.

2. Endomondo Sports Tracker
If walking, running, or biking is among your hobbies, then Endomondo can help you keep track of your route via Google Maps and hence, allow you to track your workout history so that you can compare your progress over time.

3. iTriage
iTriage is yet another Smart Phone app that can help you stay fit. It helps you evaluate your health symptoms, learn about possible causes, and get right medical help if you are in the U.S. In addition, it helps you get quality medical reports.

4. Health Tip of the Day
Just like the name suggests, Health Tip of the Day provides you with daily health tips for quality health and fitness. Just in case if you are curious what kind of tips they give out, this is what today’s tip said. “Sugar consumption, including high fructose corn syrup, can weaken the immune system by up to 50% (depending on the size of the dose) for up to 4 hours. Consider limiting sugar consumption at the beginning of any illness to minimize damage to the immune system when under attack.” Furthermore, there is an option to share the daily tip with your loved ones if you think they can benefit from it.

5. Locavore
We all know the benefits of fresh foods and vegetables over processed foods. Locavore provides us with the list of foods and veggies that are in-season as the in-season fruits and veggies are likely to have more nutrients compared to out-of-season fruits and veggies. Locavore also helps you find your local produce.