Looking Back to Look Ahead

Looking Back to Look Ahead

Whew, I made it.  2021 at long last. What did 2020 teach me that I can apply in 2021? Where to start? The first thing I learned was that things can and do change very quickly. What began as a bright and prosperous year for the first two months suddenly turned...
Stay Safe and Stay Well

Stay Safe and Stay Well

Have you ever noticed that all sermons are in three parts? As are good speeches and stories. Not to be outdone, at the end of our weekly team meetings, I ask our team 3 questions. First, what are your concerns? Second, what are the things you are grateful for? Third,...


By Dean Whittaker Since March I found myself along with many of you working from home (WFH). The big surprise for me and many companies and organizations were that it works and works well! There are many benefits. On the personal side, there is no commute to the...
Are You a Gambler?

Are You a Gambler?

This month, I had the privilege of giving a presentation at the IEDC Leadership Summit in New Orleans.  This annual event is designed for the leaders of economic development organizations in North America. My presentation focused on how we are all gamblers, and in...