I was organizing my desk when I came across a piece of paper lodged between some file folders. When I turned it over, I realized it was a “summer bucket list” I had written containing all of the activities I wanted to do during the season. However, this list was from last summer! Not one item was checked off the list. Where did the time go? That same evening, at home, I noticed several more things to which I had been meaning to devote more time and attention: the stack of books waiting to be read, the grand piano I’ve been wanting to play, the flower pots that sat empty beside the front door. So many things on my want-to-do list, and yet it seemed something else would always take precedence. Determined to not let another summer slip away, I added to my summer bucket list and began scheduling time each day to devote to a hobby. I’m only a few weeks in, and some days I have more time than others, but I’ve noticed it is important to do something I love every day. Here’s why:


  • Hobbies relieve stress and prevent burnout. When work and other commitments have the mind on overdrive, engaging in hobbies gives us something to look forward to and a healthy escape from life’s pressures. 


  • Hobbies help us develop skills that are enjoyable and may be useful in other areas of life. Perhaps, it could become a source of income if that is desired.


  • Hobbies provide another way to feel fulfilled and accomplished as we learn, develop, and adjust. Hobbies may require problem-solving, but yet they give us the space to make mistakes and adapt to overcome the challenges.    


  • Hobbies allow us to recharge, and may increase our productivity and creativity as a result of the mental break.


  • Hobbies offer the opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery as we try new things, uncover new abilities, and find new interests.


  • Hobbies improve our mental health by relieving anxiety, keeping us engaged, and possibly expanding our social circle. Hobbies that keep the body moving improve physical health and resilience. 


As you can see, regularly pursuing the hobbies you love has many benefits which all contribute to living a life of joy, balance, and happiness. Prioritize your well-being by setting aside time for the things you love.