When someone asks for a moment of your time, they are asking for the most precious thing you have. Time is an irreplaceable asset, and once spent, it can never be reclaimed. What if our lifespan was eight days instead of eighty years? What value would we place on each day? Would it differ from the value we place on a day now? These questions prompt us to reflect on how we currently perceive and utilize our time. Mindfulness teaches us to be “in the moment” rather than feeling anxious about the uncertainty the future brings or regretful about a past unlived. By living in the present, we can fully appreciate the richness of each experience, making the most of every second.

On my desk sits an hourglass, the kind that was used aboard ships to measure the length of time between the changing of the duty crew. Bells were rung to announce the time of day, broken down into four-hour increments. This historical timekeeping device serves as a daily reminder for me to focus and use my time wisely. As the grains of sand pass from one end of the hourglass to the other, I am reminded of the continuous flow of time and the importance of making every moment count. The act of turning the hourglass over and starting the process again symbolizes the renewal and fresh beginnings that each new day brings.

This month, my wife and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. As I looked back over our life together, I was amazed at how quickly 30 years had passed. The passage of time seems to accelerate with age. How can that be? It would seem logical that time would feel slower as each day becomes a smaller portion of our lived experience. However, this phenomenon can be explained by the proportional theory of time perception: as we grow older, each year represents a smaller fraction of our total life, making it feel as though time is speeding up. Reflecting on three decades of shared experiences, I am filled with gratitude for the countless moments of joy, love, and growth we have shared.

Gardening has helped me see the passage of time in a tangible way. The cyclical changing of the seasons begins with the sprigs of plant life reappearing in spring, followed by the ambitious growth as the soil warms and the seeds germinate. Summer brings a bountiful harvest of tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and peppers. As autumn approaches, the flowers that have bloomed prepare to spread their seeds, ensuring the continuation of life and beauty in the next year. This natural cycle is a powerful reminder of the rhythms of life and the importance of patience, nurturing, and appreciation for the present moment.

So, what is a person to do? Savor each moment as if it were your last. Manage time wisely and invest it well in those things that have value and offer you a return on your investment. Time with family and friends can pay the highest dividends of all. Cherish the small moments of connection and laughter, the quiet times of reflection and rest, and the opportunities to learn and grow.

By being intentional with our time, we can create a life rich in meaning and fulfillment.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush and overlook the simple joys of life. Taking a moment to pause and reflect can help us realign our priorities and focus on what truly matters. Whether it’s spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing passions and hobbies, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, these moments contribute to a life well-lived.

Time is our most valuable asset, and how we choose to spend it defines the quality of our lives. By embracing mindfulness, celebrating milestones, and finding joy in everyday activities, we can make the most of the time we have. Let us be mindful stewards of our time, investing it wisely in the people and activities that bring us happiness and fulfillment. In doing so, we honor the precious gift of time and create a legacy of cherished memories and meaningful experiences.