Regionalism: An Increasingly Popular Trend

By Pete Julius Globalization has had a positive and negative effect on economic development.  From a positive standpoint, globalization has provided access to cheaper commodities, the opportunity for perfect competition, and the ability for US-based companies to...

The List of Lists

By Jeff Vedders Check out the List of Lists at  This is a free listing of various lists published by  This site is useful if you are looking for a quick listing of top companies for a particular industry.  The lists are...

Who’s your Charlie Biggs?

By Leigh Howe I grew up in a small town called Hope, Indiana, population 2,140.  Last week, Hope lost one of their greatest promoters and contributors, Charles T. Biggs, 63.  Charlie was an educator, publisher, school board member, musician, town historian, volunteer...

The Economic Development Sea Change

By Dean Whittaker Let’s take a ride into the future, a future in which the economic geography has undergone  a sea change. Manufacturing is no longer the Holy Grail of economic development. It is a world where demographically driven shortages of talent have put a...