6 Rules for Workplace Simplicity

By Jami Gibson If you have ever seen the movie “Office Space” and can relate to some of the ridiculous situations in which the characters find themselves, you may have worked at an organization like one described in the following TED talk. In his discussion, presented...

Making Wise Decisions

By Dean Whittaker Every moment, we are confronted with decisions to make. They can be simple, such as how to spend the moment, or complex, impacting you and those you care about. One of my learnings this month came from a lecture series by Andy Stanley called Just Ask...

Email Marketing Webinar

On April 22nd, Whittaker Associates will be hosting the Pro Learning Lab webinar entitled “Email Marketing Workshop.” Our speaker, Timothy Haines, Social Media Specialist at TechBridge, will show you how to create an email marketing campaign to get...

Give Your New Job a Head Start

By Sudeep Kandel I was thinking about my new position as a researcher for Whittaker Analytics, and I realized that it is my fourteenth job to-date. Oh boy! Fourteen jobs in seven years has been a roller coaster ride, both personally and professionally; however, the...

FDI in Nepal

By Jashmin Tandukar Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in economic development of any country. It is said that the flows of FDI could fill the gap between desired investments and domestically mobilized saving. It also may increase tax revenues,...