Crossing Borders

By Joel Burgess According to the inter-governmental International Organization for Migration, more than 190 million people currently live outside of their home country. This is equal to about one person for every thirty-five people; what’s more is that the number is...

You Planted the Seed. Be Sure to Water It!

By Todd Smithee So you’ve just come across a very good lead that you really felt was a good fit for your company’s product or service.  The prospective customer has a need for your offer.  You can easily cost-justify replacing their existing solution with your offer. ...

The New Look of China

By Karla Helvie China is enjoying a position as a popular news and conversation item.  Whether people are discussing the outsourced jobs, the importance of studying Mandarin, or the Olympics, China is on everyone’s mind. As the U.S. and Europe are experiencing...