Christmas Celebrations in Nepal

Christmas Celebrations in Nepal

By Saurav Rajbhandari In Nepal, Christmas is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike, just as it is in the United States. This year, the Nepali government also announced a national holiday on Christmas Day. Although it had been recognized as a national...
Seeking First to Understand

Seeking First to Understand

By Dean Whittaker This month I had the privilege to speak about the future of work at the Annual Award Luncheon of the Rockland County New York Economic Development Corporation. Rockland County is on the border of New York and New Jersey on the West side of the Hudson...
Fin-Tech Today

Fin-Tech Today

By Saurav Rajbhandari Fin-tech has a history dating back to the 1950s when credit cards were first issued. ATM machines were built, and in the ‘70s, electronic stock trading started. Then the Internet was made available to the general public in the late ‘80s and early...