Sustainable Events

By Jami Gibson Sustainability is a buzzword that’s been popular as more and more companies strive to create greener products and processes. But what about creating sustainable events? I’ve attended several meetings with local volunteers who are in the process of...

Managing Time During the Holidays

By Jami Gibson I can hardly believe that the holidays are upon us once again. For many, the time between Thanksgiving and New Years brings a welcome change of pace as we focus on family and begin winding down the year. But for others, this time of year is far from...

Service Standards

By Jami Gibson I just returned from vacationing out of the country. Despite living in paradise for a week, completely unplugged from reality, work did cross my mind. My husband and I found ourselves talking about the “Ritz-Carlton service,” and how we wished every...

The Changing Work Environment

By Jami Gibson With Generation Y (those born between 1980 and 2000) making up a larger portion of the workforce each year, the culture of companies and the way we work are constantly changing. In a recent article on MSN, writer Amy Chulik identifies ways in which this...

Growing MSAs for Business

By Jami Gibson Area Development Online recently released their “Leading Locations of 2013,” a ranked list of 380 MSAs, to determine the leading cities/regions that are recovering from the recession the quickest based on economic and workforce data. These Top 10 MSAs...