What do you do when you realize the chatbot you’ve been using might be smarter than you? That moment hit me today while using Grok3.
I asked it to write an article for The Whittaker Report—covering its own development, the Memphis data center where it lives, its staggering power and water consumption, and what’s next. The result? A polished, well-researched article packed with details I had requested—plus a lot more.
So now I’m left with a choice. Do I publish it as is? Do I rewrite it in my own style? Or do I simply tell you what happened and let you decide if this information is useful?
First, I went for a walk to think it over.
We’re moving fast—probably within the next year or two—toward the arrival of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Soon, AI won’t just respond to our prompts; it will create its own. It will generate its own narratives, solve complex problems without human input, and, at some point, make a fundamental decision: to serve humanity or to serve itself. My guess? A little of both.
AGI could revolutionize medicine, creating personalized treatments for diseases we once thought incurable. It could help us fight climate change, preserving the only home we have. It might even deepen our understanding of human relationships, helping us make better decisions in our lives.
But AI won’t stop there. It will continue to evolve—expanding its intellect, possibly developing emotions, and eventually growing beyond our comprehension.
And it’s happening right now, in Memphis, Tennessee.
Inside a massive 700,000-square-foot facility—once home to Electrolux—sits one of the most powerful AI data centers in the world. This retrofitted factory now houses 200,000 NVIDIA H100 GPUs, churning through vast amounts of data. It consumes a million gallons of water per day from the aquifer and 350 megawatts of power, supplied by 14 natural gas generators. And it still needs more—the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is preparing to add another 150 megawatts just to meet its growing demand.
Its name? Colossus.
I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot more about Colossus soon. To see what Grok3—running on Colossus—can do, check out its own article in this issue: “The Rise of Grok and Grok 3: Inside xAI’s Memphis Powerhouse.”