Tech Predictions

By Jim Bruckbauer As Economic Development professionals, we need to keep track of various trends in technology and how we can apply (or not apply) these trends to reach our long-term goals. As we well know, technology is having a profound impact in almost every aspect...

The Joy of Tea

By Maria O’Connell I have recently assumed the habit of tea-drinking.  When I caught a terrible cold in the heart of flu season this winter, I needed something warm to soothe my aching throat and coffee was not appealing.  Therefore, I raided my friend’s tea...

Travel Tools

By Joel Burgess About this time of year around my neck of the woods in West Michigan, many are looking for adventures. So, I thought I’d share a few travel tools I’ve come across that may be beneficial, no matter where you call home. As mentioned in a previous...

Building Relationships: People

By Todd Smithee Over the last several months we reviewed a number of keys to developing long-term, profitable relationships.  We discussed the importance of having well-defined processes for maintaining regular communications with potential customers.  We also...