Favorite Video-Conferencing Tool

By Jami Gibson Each quarter, Whittaker Associates hosts a webinar as part of the Pro Learning Lab, a cooperative effort among Blane Canada, Ltd., the Institute for Decision Making at the University of Northern Iowa, and our company. Since delivering high-quality...

LinkedIn for Generating Business

By Jami Gibson How important is social media marketing to your organization? Whether you’re marketing a community, building, or product, social media can greatly enhance your efforts and help you reach a vast audience in a minimal amount of time. In fact, according to...

The Whittaker Team

By Jami Gibson During this season, when things seem to be winding down for the year, I always feel rejuvenated toward work and optimistic about the opportunities to come in the New Year. As I sit here reflecting on the past year of work, one thing really stands out to...

More Than a Business Transaction

By Jami Gibson This month, my husband and I purchased a new home. During the process of selling our old house and buying our current one, we experienced plenty of ups and downs. However, we received a lesson in patience, faith, and trust. When the first interested...

Web Design Process Tips

By Jami Gibson This month, I attended a “lunch and learn” session about the web design process. I gained knowledge about the design and development of websites, but the single most valuable thing I learned was that every aspect of your website design should be created...